Machu Picchu

Machu Picchu

lunes, 2 de agosto de 2010

Segunda Parte del Viaje- Rio Amazonas/Yurimaguas-(MAR) Chiclayo/Pimentel/ y Trujillo /Huanchaco/

4 Dias en Barco...Es mucho mas tiempo del que parece, lo interesante es que siempre tienes un paisaje diferente, siempre tienes algo para ver por las ventanas, y bueno siempre hay alguien que quiere hablarte.
4 days in boat... It's much more time than it seems; the interesting part is that you always have different countryside, there is always something to see out the windows, and there is always someone who wants to talk to you.
Yo estoy seguro que las cartas nos salvaron de avernos matado unos con otros, fue la principal atracción desde el 2 dia en el Barco.
I am sure that our deck of cards saved us from killing each other; it was the principal atraction since the second day on the boat.

El Momento de maxima adrenalida era cuando el "Chef" del barco avisaba que la comida estaba lista, pues golpeaba muy fuerte mente un tubo y todos los hambrientos pasajeros corrian para llegar de primeros a la larga fila que se formaba, hay que recordar que en el barco viajaban un promedio de 200 personas, entre el primer y segundo piso.
The most exciting moment was when the "chef" of the boat let us know that the food was ready - that is to say, he hit super hard the railing of the stairs and all of the hungry passangers went running to arrive first to the long line that formed: you have to remember, in the boat traveled about 200 people between the first and second floor.   

Lani encontro a una paisana en el barco, Meaghan era su nombre y su contribucion en nuestro viaje no tiene precio, ella nos acompan'o a Chiclayo.
Lani found a fellow Minnesotan on the boat, Meaghan was her name and her contibution to our trip was priceless.  She went with us to Chiclayo.

Chiclayo es una buena ciudad, con una muy buena Pizza. El gran mercado es un punto obligado para conocer.
Chiclayo is a nice city, with really good pizza.  The big market was a must see.

**Dos cosas para recordar, la primera:
Cuando ibamos en el bus para Chiclayo, como a la 1am se montaron al Bus muchas mujeres vendiendo Pin'as, nadie les presto atencion hasta que gritaron el precio, 1Sol por Pin'a, o 700Pesos Colombianos, o 40Centabos de Dolar, muy poco por una Pin'a todos compramos, hasta nosotros compramos 1 y Meaghan nos regalo otra, las compramos solo por que eran baratas, por que despues las dejamos en el Hostel.
**Two things to remember.  The first:
When we went on the bus to Chiclayo, at about 1 am, a group of women got on the bus selling pineapples.  Nobody paid much attention until they started yelling, "Pineapples for one sol!" or 700 Colombian Pesos, or 40 cents - very cheap for a pineapple.  Everyone bought some, even us, and Meaghan bought us another one.  We bought them just because they were so cheap, because afterwards we just left them in the hostel.

La segunda: En el mercado de Chiclayo Lani se antojo de una bebida que estaban preparando por todos lados, entonces compramos para todos,era una ombinacion de Papaya con Cerveza negra, Nesquik (chocolate en polvo), Huevo y Melasa, todo eso lo revuelven y Listo!, de lapreparacion salieron 4 vasos y eramos 3, entonces el vaso que quedo lo regalamos a la sen'ora que lo preparo, ella se rio y lo boto. (era muy feo)
The second thing: In the market of Chiclayo, Lani noticed a drink that they were preparing everywhere, so we bought one for everyone.  It was a combination of papaya with black beer, nesquik, egg, and molasses all mixed together and tada!  The mixture gave us 4 glasses and since we were 3, we gave the extra glass to the woman who prepared it... she laughed and threw it away.  (It was really nasty.)

Nos recomendaron muchisimo la playa de Chiclayo, se llama Pimentel, hace mucho tiempo queriamos ir al Mar y bueno ya que lo teniamos cerca no ibamos a perder la posibilidad de "ban'arnos un poco", realmente no pudimos ni tocar el agua, habia demasiado frio.
Everyone recommended that we go to the beach in Chiclayo called Pimentel.  We had wanted to go to the beach for a long time and since we had it nearby we weren't going to miss the possibility of "swimming a bit."  But actually we couldn't even tough the water it was so cold.

Meaghan nos dejo en Chiclayo, tomo un bus directo a Lima, nosotros nos quedamos unos dias mas, ella nos regalo el libro mas importante en este viaje y no es por hacerles publicidad pero LonelyPlanet es necesario para cualquier Viaje.
Meaghan left us in Chiclayo and took a bus directly to Lima.  We stayed a few more days.  She gave us the most important book for out trip and not to advertise but Lonely Planet is neccesary for any trip.

Continuamos a Trujillo, tambien cerca del Pacifico, es un lugar muy colonial, con iglesias en todos lados           (como despues nos dimos cuenta que era todo Peru), una plaza muy grande y buenos andenes para caminar.
We continued to Trujillo, also near the Pacific Ocean.  It is a very colonial place, with churches everywhere (which we realized later that all of Peru was like that), large plazas, and nice sidewalks.
En Trujillo fuimos a conocer Chan-Chan, la ciudad de Adobe (Barro) mas grande del mundo, y en verdad si era grande. No habia casi nadie adentro, entonce el lugar fue solo para nosotros, tambien visitamos las playas de Trujillo, se llaman Huanchaco, es un lugar hermoso, y en verano debe ser aun mas agradable, lastima el frio.
In Trujillo we went to see Chan-Chan, the largest adobe city in the world.  It really is big.  There waqs almost nobody inside, so we had the place for ourselves.  We also visited the beach in Trujillos, called Huanchaco.  It is a beautiful place, and in the summer it would be even nicer.  Too bad it was cold.

Hay que recordar que comimos mucho ceviche en el norte de Peru, en Huanchaco no fue le excepcion, por solo 10Soles te daban de entrada Ceviche, de Segundo Milanesa de Pollo y una Gaseosa, ese era el lugar para nosotros.
You have to know that we ate a lot of ceviche in the north of Peru.  Huanchaco was not an exception. For 10 soles they gave us an appetizer of ceviche, a main dish of chicken milanesa, and a pop.  It was the place for us.

El problema fue, que como veran en la foto, en mi plato habia una rodaja de algo rojo, pues yo realmente pense que era tomate, pero Lani aseguro que era pimenton. Prepare el tenedor con un poco de ceviche y la rodaja completa de esa cosa roja. Era ROCOTO!, en ese momento ni sabia que era, pero si sabia que picaba muchisimo... Dan'e mi almuerzo, y mis papilas gustativas, me tome la Coca-Cola, la Inka Cola, el litro de cerveza que estaba en la mesa y me toco ir al ban'o a tomar agua de la pluma. Era realmente picante.
The problem was, as you can see in the picture, on my plate was a slive of something red.  I really thought it was a tomato, but Lani was sure it was a red pepper.  I put some ceviche on my fork and the whole slice of the red thing.  It was ROCOTO!  In that moment I didn't even know what rocoto was, but if I had known that it was so spicey... I ruined my lunch and my taste buds.  I drank the Coca-Cola, the Inka Cola, and the liter of beer that was on the table and I still had to go to the bathroom and drink water from the faucet.  It was truly hot.

De Huanchaco seguimos a Lima en un Bus de 1 noche, en Lima nos ibamos a encontrar con Sebastian.
From Huachaco we continued to Lima on a bus for one night.  In Lima we were going to meet up with Sebastian.

Primera Parte del Viaje - Colombia (Leticia) / Peru (Iquitos) +Brazil-Tabatinga

Nuestro Viaje empezó el 5 de Junio del 2010, viajamos  desde Cartagena/Colombia hasta el centro del Amazonas (Leticia)
Our Trip started the 5th of June, 2010.  We traveled from Cartagena/Colombia to the center of the Amazon (Leticia).

Lo mas sorprendente de viajar a el Amazonas es el color que te rodea en el avion, todo es azul, blanco y verde, pero un verde de respeto... Selva relmente virgen y parece que va a estar asi muchos muchos an'os mas, es realmente inmneso.
The most surprising thing about traveling to the Amazon is the colors that surround the airplane; everything is blue, white, and green, but an intense green... a truly virgin jungle and it seems like it will stay that way for many many years more.  It is truly immense.

En Leticia estuvimos 3 dias en un hotel de mochileros. Leticia no es tan sorprendente como me habian contado, pero creo que este viaje estuvo lleno de esas cosas, lo que a muchos no le gusto, a nosotros nos encanto, y lo que para muchos era muy interesante nosotros lo pasamos por alto. La ciudad en si es pequen'a y no tiene mucho para ver, pero el centro de la ciudad tiene un parque muy bien cuidado y muy interesante, el resto de cosas para hacer necesitas pagar sumas considerables de dinero, el cual en ese momento no estabamos dispuestos a gastar.
In Leticia we spent 3 days in a backpackers' hostel.  Leticia was not as spectacular as people had told me, but I believe this trip was full of this type of thing: what many people didn't like, we loved, and what many people thought was interesting, we didn't care for.  The city itself is small y doesn't have much to see, but the center of the city has a park that is well taken care of and very interesting.  The rest of the things to do there you have to pay large sums of money, in which at the moment we weren't ready to spend.
Un dato personal, nunca antes habia salido del pais, y fue un placer para mi que mi primera vez fuese a pie, pasamos la frontera de Brazil caminando y llegamos a un pais maravilloso, de un sol evaporador, de palabras extran'as escritas en las paredes, de muy buena comida, pero sobre todo de gente tan calida como su sol, se nota que han sido 5 veces ganadores del mundial de futbol.
Personally, I had never left the country, and for me it was a pleasure that my first time was on foot.  We crossed the border of Brazil walking and we arrived in a marvelous country of a blazing sun, strange words written on walls, and really good food, but most importantly people as warm as the sun.  You can tell that they had won the Soccer World Cup 5 times.

De Leticia tomamos una Lancha rapida a las 4 de la man'ana para dirigirnos a Iquitos en Peru, Iquitos es conocida como la ciudad mas grande del mundo en la cual es imposible llegar por Tierra, el viaje en lancha fue de 8 Horas, en el puerto de Iquitos nos esperaba un vieja amiga, Irene Wallimann, con su novio Jairo, ellos se encargaron de mostranos la ciudad y de darnos hospedaje.
From Leticia we took a fast coat at 4 am to Iquitos, Peru.  Iquitos is know as the largest city in the world in which it is impossible arrive by land.  The trip in the boat was 8 hours and in the port of Iquitos our old friend, Irene Wallimann, and her boyfriend, Jairo, were waiting for us.  They took it upon themselves to show us the city and give us a place to stay.

Iquitos es tan interesante como deberia ser cualquier ciudad que quede en el corazon de la selva, su gente es muy amable y sus comidad son todas afrodisiacas, o eso dicen ellos, realmente halla todo es afrodisiaco, hasta las hamburguesas o cualquier gaseosa, tienen bebidas tipo infusiones de plantas de la selva, entre ellas y a destacar 7 raices y 21 raices, nuestras bebidas favoritas y bueno si revolvias las dos tenias un excelente 28 raices unico en su especie. Nuestro guia Jairo me llevo al mercado a comprar estas bebidas "Afrodisíacas" 
Iquitos is as interesting as any city in the heart of the jungle should be.  The people are so friendly and every food is an aphrodisiac, or at least, according to them.  Really, there everything is an aphrodisiac, even the hamburgers or any pop.  They have drinks infused with plants from the jungle, among them 7 roots and 21 roots, our favorites, and, well, if you mix the two, you have an excellent 28 roots, the only one of its kind.  Our guide, Jairo, took me to the market to buy these "aphrodisiac" drinks.

Pasamos una noche increible dentro de la selva, despues de caminar un poco unos locales nos ofrecieron una bebida un poco extran'a, de color beige y con un olor no tan agradable, al probarla mi reaccion fue al nivel de lo que estaba probando, era realmente horrible, Lani me ayudo a salir de la pena de el gesto que puse y tomo el resto de la bebida. "Se llama Masato", dijo Jairo entre risas, y claro como no reirse despues de hacernos probar tan horrible liquido, "El Masato" es una bebida que se prepara con Yuca, los indigenas mastican esta Yuca y la escupen, despues entierran la saliva hasta que fermente...Horrible.
We spent an incredible night in the jungle.  After walking a bit, some locals offered us a strange drink. It was beige and had a not so nice smell.  When I tried it, my reaction was bad as the drink I was trying.  It was truly horrible.  Lani helped me out of the pickle I put myself in with this reaction and drank the rest of the drink.  "It is called Masato," said Jairo while laughing.  And how could he not laugh after making us drink the horrible liquid.  "The Masato" is a drink prepared with yucca: the indigenous people chew the yucca and then spit in out, burying the saliva until it ferments... Horrible.

Dentro de la Selva nos gano un Aguacero "estilo selva", aunque lo intentamos no hubo nada que pudiera protegernos de tanta agua.
In the jungle a "jungle style" downpour hit us.  Even though we tried, there was nothing that could protect us from so much water.

Iquitos se aman'o tanto con nosotros que nos regalo un Aguacero de torrenciales proporciones, eso era agua y mas agua, al punt que no pudimos salir de Iquitos el dia que debiamos salir, ni el dia siguiente. La mama de Jairo, Deysi, nos ensen'o unas cuentas recetas de la comida Peruana, y nos preparo el mejor Lomo saltado que probamos en Peru ( y probamos muchos).
Iquitos liked us so much that it gave us a down pour of torrential proportions.  There was water and more water, to the point that we couldn't leave Iquitos the day we wanted to leave, nor the next day.  Jairo's mom, Deysi, taught us some recipes for Peruvian food and prepared us the best Lomo saltado, or "Tossed Beef," that we tried in Peru (and we tried a lot.)

Tuvimos muchos tiempo para preparar nuestra salida de Iquitos, Nos esperaban 4 dias y 3 noches en un barco hacia Yurimaguas. Lo mas cercano al hacinamiento, lo mas cercano a la Libertad.
We had a lot of time to prepare of exit from Iquitos.  4 days and 3 nights in a boat to Yurimaguas awaited us.  So close to the crowd, so close to freedom.